Friday, October 2, 2015

Photo Diary: A Solitary Walk

On my way home from a catch up date with a friend, I was stopped by beautiful red maple leaves from afar as I passed by Hastings Park :D

Time for a spur of the moment photography and a moment for self-reflecting!

Although it was expected to be a rainy day, I brought my camera with my anyways, and I'm glad that I did! It's been a while since I've spent some alone time to just shoot pictures.

What a lovely bold of colours on this gloomy/overcast day. 

I really enjoy being in this part of the park, because the checkered flooring here reminds me a bit of Alice in Wonderland. 

It's very vibrant here in the spring time, but I guess we'll have to wait until next year for that.  

During my walk, I only encountered a few other people, so it felt a bit eerie LOL but it was also nice because it allowed me to just think by myself. I think it's important for everyone to have these moments of alone time and to know how to be alone. 

I thought about... where I currently am in life, where I want to be, and how I want to get there. It's depressing LOL. 

Hello, Hellevator.

I am in my final semester of university/college, and I still don't know what I want to do with my life. I can't wait to graduate, but I also don't want to graduate. It's normal to feel that way, right? I feel like... as long as I keep going, every thing should be okay. If it's meant to be, then you shall see.

Where do you find motivation? 

What keeps you going?