Sunday, March 25, 2018

Japan 2017: Day 1 in KYOTO - Arashiyama, Tenryuji Temple, Kinkakuji, Fushimi Inari Taisha, Ninenzaka, Sanenzaka

I was in Japan with my sister for about 2 weeks in November: 5 full days in Osaka and 7 days in Tokyo.

I feel like we were really lucky in finding this deal! We bought the tickets in around August and it was just under $900 flying from YVR to Osaka (1.5 hour layover transfer flight from Haneda to Itami airport), then from Osaka to Haneda, and Narita back home to YVR. In my opinion, as a first time traveler to Japan with the intention to only visit Osaka and Tokyo, taking the plane seemed more convenient than taking the Shinkansen :3

Even though we arrived in Osaka on October 31st at around 7:30pm, our first day didn't technically start until November 1st :) Jetlagged as we were, we woke up at around 5:30am to start our very long and only day of being in Kyoto! Thus, we tried to make the best out of being in Kyoto by stopping by Arashiyama, Tenryuji Temple, Kinkakuji, Fushimi Inari Taisha, Ninenzaka, Sanenzaka and a bit of Gion.

Strangely enough, I didn't feel that much culture shock... everything was different, but not in an uncomfortable way. However, since our AirBnB was near Aikawa station, which is a local stop, let's just say... as gaijins/foreigners, we really stood out/felt like an alien (whenever we spoke English) LOL. Taking the trains in Osaka was really difficult for me because although I can read/write Chinese to an extent (I went to Mandarin school), I am a noob LOL but the challenge was still fun and interesting because it forced me to remember my Japanese again after my last class back in 2013ish.

It was a chilly morning but thanks to that, we took the opportunity to buy a hot coffee from a vending machine :'D

Walking to Arashiyama was lovely. It was about a 15 (or less) minute walk from the station.

My first panorama attempt :X I promise it looks a lot nicer in 
person! The streaming water is also very calming hehe

Togetsukyou Bridge 
Moon-Crossing Bridge 

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

Tenryuuji Temple
signs of autumn peaking

Randen Arashiyama Station

Those are lamps and they make up the "Kimono Forest"
Must be very beautiful at night, I shall see it next time I visit!

Arashiyama was a very fascinating district to visit, but with limited time, we couldn't stay too long!

 Golden Pavillion 
As much as I wanted to enjoy this sight, it was way too
crowded and the only highlight was this scenery X_X

Vending machine at Kinkakuji
I quite enjoyed flavoured water
during my trip! I LOHAS.. I miss
that peach flavoured water </3

Fushimi Inari Taisha

Torii gates donated by businesses

After Fushimi Inari, we went to Ninenzaka and Sanenzaka. You should definitely come here for that immediate modern x historical clash :)
Came across a store that sold studio ghibli merch :3

Had to buy this because, well... it's sleeping :P

Starbucks in Ninenzaka
It is the world's first tatami style Starbucks
Perfect place to chill after a long day of walkin LOL

We skimmed through Gion on our way back to the station and came across a Geisha. Saw her for 2 seconds and she disappeared so fast! After a full day of sightseeing, we went to this Takoyaki shop near our station... it was so cheap :') it was like 400 yen for 9 pieces of takoyaki and also 400yen for a decently sized Okonomiyaki! Even now, I still miss eating the takoyaki T^T

Honestly, I would visit all these places again, maybe except for Kinkakuji though (unlesss I went during a different season like winter or spring). If you asked me if I enjoy shopping or sightseeing more, I'd most likely saying sightseeing because I love photography but ...when in Japan,that makes the decision more difficult haha!